News, analysis and personal reflections on the markets & the financial sector

Monday, April 6, 2009

US banks line up for biometrics initiative

Over 20 US banks have expressed an interest in signing up to a new project investigating the use of biometrics in verifying customer identities, it has been reported. 

The Credit Union Security and Technology News blog said the scheme is being run by the Financial Services Technology Consortium (FSTC), an industry-led body that lets banks work together to solve common problems. 

According to the blog, the American Bankers Association has already signed on as a sponsor for the project. 

The program developed from a panel discussion held at a joint conference organized by the FTSC and Bits, the operations and technology division of the Financial Services Roundtable, held in March. 

FTSC executive director Dan Schutzer said the program will try to develop a common strategy for financial institutions to help them specify, evaluate, select and deploy biometrics applications with greater levels of customer acceptance. 

"We also hope to identify and validate at least one or two of them that will make an immediate impact in the fight against identity theft and insider fraud," he commented.

A follow-up meeting on the project is set to take place later this month in San Francisco. 

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