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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Conrad Black out of jail on $2 million bond

(AP) — Former media mogul Conrad Black has left a federal prison in central Florida where he's been serving a 6½-year sentence for a fraud conviction.

Gary Miller, a spokesman for the prison in Coleman, says Black was discharged on Wednesday.

Black's release came hours after U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve in Chicago set his bond at $2 million and ordered Black not to leave the country.

A friend of Black's posted his bond.

The judge also ordered Black to appear before her in Chicago on Friday to go over the terms of his release.

Black and three other Hollinger International Inc. executives were convicted in 2007 of defrauding shareholders out of $6.1 million.
An appeals court Monday granted Black's motion for bail as he appeals his conviction.

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