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Monday, March 1, 2010

Sony PlayStation 3 network errors leave frustrated gamers locked out of their consoles

Leap-year calendar causes havoc

A NETWORK ERROR on Sony's Playstation Network has left thousands of Playstation 3 (PS3) fanbois with crashed consoles.

The 8001050F error was caused by a calendar bug and Sony acolytes believe it stems from the leap-year transition from February to March. This makes sense. On 28 February, the system reset the calendar but instead of 1 March being displayed, users got 31 December 1999 or 1 January 2000.

However, the bigger issue is that the affected consoles can't get online until the fix is resolved. PS3s can't load up the Playsation Network to play online games and users have reported missing or corrupt Trophy data. The error only affects the original Playstations and not the newer slimline updates.

Sony has been forced to issue a blog update on its official Playstation blog, which reads, "We're aware that many of you are having difficulty connecting to the PlayStation Network this evening. Those of you with 'slim' PS3s (the 120/250 GB models) appear to be unaffected.

"Know that we have narrowed down the issue and have engineers working to restore service even as you read this. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, and genuinely appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this."

Sony has told PS3 users that they can still use their consoles for offline play.

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