News, analysis and personal reflections on the markets & the financial sector

Monday, March 1, 2010

Reports this week

Earnings: Before -DISH, IPI ; After -IOC
Other: Personal Income, Personal Spending, PCE Deflator, PCE Core, ISM Manufacturing, Construction Spending, Morgan Stanley Tech, Media & Telecom Conf, Australia Interest Rate Decision, Leno Returns to Tonight Show, PG&E Investor Day

Earnings: Before- AZO, SPLS ; After-URS
Other: Beige Book, Vehicle Sales, Obama Town Hall on Jobs, Economy, Qualcomm Shareholders Meeting, Ballmer Speaks at Search Marketing Conf., Geneva Auto Show, Charles Schwab Outlook Survey

Earnings: Before - CCE, DF, ICE, MT, NYT, S, SNI, SNY, WYN ; After - ALL, ATVI, BSX, PRU
Other: MBA Mortgage Applications, Trade Balance, Credit Suisse Financial Services Forum, Chicago Auto Show, Fed's Plosser Speaks.

Earnings: Before - BUD, URBN ; After - MRVL
Other: Retailers Report Feb Sales, Pandit Testifies at COP Hearing, CNBC Premiere Tom Brokaw Reports: Boomer$, Bristol-Myers Squibb Investor Day

Earnings: Before: WPP Group
Other: JOBS REPORT, Pending Home Sales

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