News, analysis and personal reflections on the markets & the financial sector

Sunday, August 30, 2009

New credit card rules - how to reject an interest rate increase

Below is a letter you can use to opt-out of interest rate increases. Edit the bold words to fit your credit card information.


Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State Zip

Credit Card Issuer
City, State Zip

Re: Account Number XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

On January 15, 2009, I received a notice from you indicating an interest rate increase on the previously referenced account. Let this letter serve as my notification that I do not wish to pay the higher interest rate. I will continue paying my credit card balance at the current interest rate of 8.9%.

Please confirm in writing to the address listed above that I have been opted-out of the higher interest rate.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.


Your Name

Tips for Sending Your Opt-Out Letter

  • To be effective, your opt-out letter must be sent within 15 days of receiving notification of the rate increase or by the date listed on your rate increase notification.
  • Even if you opt-out by phone, it's a good idea to follow up with a letter so that you have proof of opting-out if the credit card issuer misplaces your phone opt-out.
  • Send your letter via certified mail with return receipt requested. Ideally, you should obtain a certified mailing label from the post office prior to printing your letter. That way you can include the 20-digit trakcing number on the certified mailing receipt number in your letter for extra proof.
  • You can track the letter at using the 20-digit tracking number on the certified mailing receipt. The return receipt will arrive in the mail a few days after the mail has actually been received.
  • Follow up with the credit card issuer to be sure your opt-out was processed and to find out if and when your account will be closed.

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