News, analysis and personal reflections on the markets & the financial sector

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thomson Reuters Links Portfolio Management and Reference Data Systems

Thomson Reuters announced it has linked PORTIA, its leading investment accounting system, to DataScope Select, its global pricing and security reference data. The interconnectivity of these two leading offerings brings world-class enterprise solutions to asset managers around the world. This initiative also represents another step forward in the integration of the former Thomson Financial and Reuters suites of products.

The teaming up of PORTIA and DataScope Select allows Thomson Reuters to offer tangible benefits to asset managers around the world. Through the newly built interface, PORTIA clients will be able to use DataScope Select’s mission-critical pricing and reference data for portfolio management and valuation as well as investment accounting. The new link allows clients to add DataScope Select security data directly into PORTIA’s investment accounting platform.

While ownership, security coverage and data accuracy have become more important in today’s market, nowhere is this more true than in the middle to back office. Accessing DataScope Select through PORTIA will provide significant benefits to financial market participants that are required to meet the toughest requirements for portfolio valuations and reporting, fund performance measurement and analysis, and regulatory and compliance reporting.

Jon Robson, President of Enterprise, Thomson Reuters, commented: “In today's market climate of heightened risk and regulatory pressures, staying competitive requires enterprises to pay closer attention to the middle and back office. Thomson Reuters aims to help its customers do just that. The linking of PORTIA and DataScope is a leading example of taking the best of both companies’ assets to deliver leading data to achieve operational efficiencies in valuation, client reporting and portfolio management.”

PORTIA provides comprehensive portfolio accounting management capabilities for asset managers worldwide. DataScope provides global pricing and security reference data including corporate actions for portfolio management, administration and valuation. DataScope covers the spectrum of data from the global exchanges, as well as foreign exchange, fixed income and derivative pricing.

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